About Us

welcome to lapssav

Lapssav is the trusted name in GPS vehicle tracking system, CCTV cameras, Biometric machines in India. We are also a provice desktop and laptop services in India. Lapssav is a emaerging company focus on the privacy and security of clients. Our products are affordable and reliable and very useful for security purpose in daily life. We provide the individual and companies a great service. We are provide commercial vehicles tracking, personal car tracking, bus tracking, bike tracking, personal tracking. Personal and professional safety are our priorities that you can trust upon us. We are the first company which bring all type of security from the same plateform to our clients. We are having hard working team of professionals dedicated and experts in the field of technology. This quality of our company makes us a benchmark among our competitors. Our devices are made in such a way to competible for the Indians roads. Our devices are of good quality test them in real Indian roads..

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